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Solar Powered
Motion Sensor Light
Model SH-7001
• Turns on light when motion is detected.
• Automatically turns light off.
• Photocell keeps the light off during daylight hours.
• Battery Protection Circuitry. Unit will shut down when
battery is low. Unit will automatically resume operation
when battery is recharged to a safe level.
• Do not turn the light on before the battery is fully charged.
Charge the battery by keeping the switch in the OFF
position and the solar collector pointed directly at the
noon sun for 3 sunny days. If not fully charged, the unit
will not work.
• When FULLY charged, the solar light will operate a
maximum of 15 days without sunlight. Actual operating
time will vary depending upon how frequently the light
is triggered.
Be sure to remove all contents from packaging and verify
all items are present before assembling this light fixture.
This package includes the following items:
1. Solar Light Fixture
3. Mounting Screws (2 sizes)
Tapered Screw (3)
© 2007 HeathCo LLC
2. Solar Panel
Round Head Screw (2)
For best performance, mount the fixture about 8 feet (2.4
m) above the ground.
Three Mounting Holes for Solar Panel Base
1. Mount solar panel base on a solid surface using
three tapered screws. Adjust the panel to point directly
at the noon sun. Avoid obstructions such as trees or
buildings that may block sun light. Allow for enough
wire to reach the case. keep ball joint at bottom.
Note: You will want to re-aim the solar panel as the
seasons change to keep it pointed directly at the noon
2. Mount the battery case on a solid surface using
two round-head screws and the keyholes on the
back of the case.
3. adjust sensor. For proper operation, the sensor
head must be rotated so that the sensor controls face
downward as shown below.
IMPORTANT: the controls must face downward to
avoid damage from rain. If controls face upward, move
sensor to the original down position, rotate 180°, then
raise to the position shown below.
Light Joint Clamps
Battery Case
Sensor Joint
4. Plug the solar panel cable into the bottom of the battery
case. IMPORTANT: allow the battery to charge
with three days of sunshine before testing.
Mounting Holes (3)
Holes (2)
Lense Removal



Sommaire des Matières pour Heath Zenith Secure Home SH-7001

  • Page 1 inStaLLatiOn For best performance, mount the fixture about 8 feet (2.4 m) above the ground. Solar Powered Mounting Holes (3) Motion Sensor Light Model SH-7001 Three Mounting Holes for Solar Panel Base FeatureS 1. Mount solar panel base on a solid surface using •...
  • Page 2 teSt anD aDJuStMent adjustment of Coverage area The sensor detects “motion” by the movement of heat NOTE: Sensor has a 30 second warm up period before (body heat) across the coverage area. However, following it will detect motion. When switching modes wait 30 are examples of objects that also produce heat and can seconds.
  • Page 3 BatterY rePLaCeMent SPeCiFiCatiOnS This solar light contains a rechargeable battery that can Range ......Up to 60 ft. (18.3 m); [varies with be replaced if needed. To replace the battery follow the surrounding temperature] steps below. Sensing Angle ....Up to 110° Lamp ......
  • Page 4 trOuBLeShOOting guiDe SYMPtOM POSSiBLe CauSe SOLutiOn Lights will not come on. 1. Battery is dead. 1. Switch the sensor OFF and let the battery charge for three or more sunny days before using again. 2. Sensor is turned OFF. 2. Turn sensor ON. 3.
  • Page 5 inStaLaCiÓn Para un mejor rendimiento, monte la unidad cerca de 2,4 m (8 pies) desde el piso. Luz detectora de Orificios de montaje (3) movimiento con alimentación solar Modelo SH-7001 Tres agujeros de montaje para la base del panel solar CaraCteríStiCaS 1.
  • Page 6 4. Camine por el área de cobertura y dése cuenta cuando IMPORTANTE: Los controles deben estar hacia las luces se prenden. Mueva suavemente la cabeza abajo para que la lluvia no los dañe. Si los controles del detector hacia arriba, hacia abajo, hacia los lados están hacia arriba, mueva el detector a su posición para cambiar el área de cobertura.
  • Page 7 FunCiOnaMientO 4. Vuelva a colocar la tapa de la batería. Inserte las dos aletas de la tapa en las ranuras posteriores de Ponga el interruptor del detector en AUTO(mático) para la caja. Presione la tapa contra la caja hasta que los una operación normal.
  • Page 8 guía De anÁLiSiS De aVeríaS SíntOMa POSiBLe CauSa SOLuCiÓn Las luces no se prenden. 1. La batería está muerta. 1. APAGUE el interruptor del detector y cargue la batería durante tres o más días de sol antes de volverla a usar. 2.
  • Page 9 inStaLLatiOn Pour un rendement supérieur, installer l’appareil à environ 2,4 m (8 pieds) du sol. Éclairage à détecteur Orifices de fixation (3) de mouvements, à énergie solaire Modèle SH-7001 Trois orifices de fixation pour le socle du panneau solaire 1. installer le socle du panneau solaire sur une sur- CaraCtÉriStiqueS face solide au moyen des trois vis à...
  • Page 10 4. Se déplacer dans la zone de couverture en notant à quel IMPORTANT : Les commandes doivent pointer vers endroit vous vous trouvez lorsque l’éclairage s’allume. le sol pour éviter qu’elles ne soient endommagées Déplacer doucement le capteur vers le haut, vers le bas par la pluie.
  • Page 11 FOnCtiOnneMent 4. Remettre le couvercle en place en insérant les deux onglets dans les rainures à l’arrière du boîtier. Appuyer Placer le commutateur du capteur en position AUTO pour sur le couvercle pour le repousser dans le boîtier jusqu’à un fonctionnement normal. Si vous n’avez pas besoin ce que les deux verrous s’encliquètent en place.
  • Page 12 guiDe De DÉPannage SYMPtÔMe CauSe POSSiBLe SOLutiOn L’éclairage ne s’allume 1. La pile est à plat. 1. Placer le commutateur en position OFF et attendre pas. que la pile se recharge pendant au moins 3 jours ensoleillés consécutifs avant d’utiliser à nouveau l’appareil.