M600NH / M700 / M900 / M900-CC / M1200-CC
Before starting the fl oating operation make sure that the Round Pan is correctly mounted on the fi nishing blades.
Be aware that with the blade arms turning clockwise, the fl oats should also be positioned in the same way. The
slab will be ready to work for the fi rst fl oating operation when the heel of your shoe leaves a print of 2-3mm on
the surface of the slab. On all other fl oating operations the blades should be almost fl at. After the fl oated slab
has set and your footprint is only slightly visible, it is ready to start the fi nishing operation. The timing of all these
operations is dependent on weather conditions. After each operation the engine should be stopped.
Never park the machine with the engine running, especially during the fl oating operation when the concrete is
relatively soft. If you were to leave it running on soft concrete in the same position, the fi nished fl oor tolerances
would be damaged as the concrete would be pushed down and spread out under the weight of the machine.
Never lift the machine using the bumper ring. Pick it up by the middle of the point lift provided.
After the fl oating operation, the fi rst thing to do is remove the Round Pan from the fi nishing blades and clean the
blades, spider plate and protection ring of cement/concrete paste collected during the fl oating operation.
Increase the blade pitch up to 10 mm for the fi rst fi nishing operation and then continue to increase the pitch on
the subsequent fi nishing operations.
Continue the fi nishing passes until you obtain the desired fi nished fl oor surface. The time required between each
fi nishing pass is dependent on weather conditions, cement and water content of the concrete. If some areas of
the concrete set harden too fast, you may apply a small amount of water with a brush to help achieve a fi nish.
Be careful when running the machine on areas where water has been applied because the machine will tend to
skate away as the water will act as a lubricant and reduce friction. Be sure to have a safe hold on the handle and
maintain control of the machine at all times.
The pitch control knob is in easy reach of the operator. He pitch adjustment has a limited pitch variation. Rotate
the pitch control knob clockwise to tilt the blades and counterclockwise to fl atten the angle of the blades.
Adjustment is based on the desired performance for the specifi c job application.
From experience we know that a lack of lubrication on the trowel arms can lead to problems. During assembly
we undertake the greasing and sealing of the trowel arms on the spider plate. Greasing should be carried out on
a weekly basis using the grease nipple provided. If an arm becomes jammed, this is probably due to an arm being
bent and will need replacing.