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All manuals and user guides at Deumidifi catore d’aria Air dehumidifi er Luftentfeuchter Déshumidifi cateur d’air...
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0 TIGER TIGER...
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0 SUMO SUMO...
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0...
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0 TIGER SUMO TIGER TIGER SUMO...
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0...
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All manuals and user guides at Note / Notes...
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0 Legenda e simboli Principio di funzionamento (C) L’aria C1, da deumidificare, viene aspirata dall’apparecchio, tramite il NOTA IMPORTANTE: le note servono a evidenziare ventilatore C4, e fatta passare attraverso l’ e vaporatore C2 del circuito delle situazioni e delle condizioni che possono facili- frigorifero.
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0 Scarico continuo (H) Il display, oltre a visualizzare lo stato di funzionamento del deumidi- ficatore, segnala anche eventuali guasti (Tab.B). Qualora si verificasse una delle condizioni di errore di seguito descritte sarà necessario SUMO l’intervento di personale specializzato per la loro soluzione.
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0 deumidificatore. Lo smaltimento abusivo del prodotto da parte dell’utente comporta l’applicazione delle sanzioni amministrative di cui al D.lgs. n. 22/1997 (articolo 50 e seguenti del D.Lgs.n. 22/1997). Posizionamento (F) Schema elettrico (B) Per spostare il deumidificatore farlo scorrere sul pavimento utilizzando le apposite ruote di cui dispone.
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All manuals and user guides at Note / Notes...
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0 Symbols Introduction The appliances of the TIGER and SUMO series are air dehumidifiers IMPORTANT NOTE: notes will evidence conditions that remove the humidity from the environment. They are equipped and features that can make easier and better the use with a refrigerating circuit and the new electronic control performs all of the unit.
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0 Continuous drainage (H) Failures The display is used by the electronic device to show particular situ- SUMO ations (Tab.B). If an error message is displayed please contact your The dehumidifier is fitted as standard with an automatic condensate dealer for repair.
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0 Positioning (F) WWiring diagram (B) To move the dehumidifier use the handle and run it on his wheels. The Ref. Description Ref. Description dehumidifier must be simply placed in the room to be dehumidified B1 Fan B6 Control board and started: the air inlet is in front, the air outlet is on the back.
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All manuals and user guides at Note / Notes...
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0 Legende und Symbole Allgemeine Informationen Bei den Geräten der Baureihe TIGER und SUMO handelt es sich um Luftentfeuchter, die den Zweck haben, der Umgebung Feuchtigkeit zu BITTE BEACHTEN: Die Hinweise weisen auf Situa- entziehen.
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0 ACHTUNG: Damit das Gerät korrekt funktioniert, Wenn die Betriebsart dann nicht Null ist, hört das Display nach Ablauf der 5 Sekunden auf zu blinken. muss der Schlauch konstant nach unten geführt werden und darf nicht verdreht oder abgeklemmt Ausschalten werden.
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0 Rückstellung Betriebsstundenzähler 1 • Das Gerät wie im vorliegenden Handbuch beschrieben installieren. • Die Taste (T3) ca. 3 Sekunden lang drücken. Auf dem Display wer- Entsorgung vom Gerät den drei waagrechte Striche angezeigt, die blinken. •...
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All manuals and user guides at Note / Notes...
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0 Légende et symboles toutes les fonctions comme la mise en marche et l’arrêt automatiques ou le cycle de dégivrage quand il est nécessaire. Principe de fonctionnement (C) NOTE IMPORTANTE: les notes servent à mettre en évidence des situations et des conditions qui peuvent faciliter et améliorer l’utilisation de l’appareil.
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0 Vidange continue (H) dégivrage est signalée par l’allumage du voyant jaune S3. Pannes SUMO L’ é cran, en plus d’afficher l’ é tat de fonctionnement du déshumidifica- Le déshumidificateur est équipé en standard d’une pompe automatique teur, signale aussi d’...
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All manuals and user guides at M1081-0_draft-0 le filtre à air afin d’éviter l’accumulation de saleté sur à éliminer vers le recyclage, le traitement et une élimination écocom- patible, contribue à éviter de possible effets négatifs sur l’ e nvironne- l’échangeur.
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All manuals and user guides at Note / Notes...
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