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Milestone Single Tooth Anesthesia System STA-5110 Mode D'emploi page 60


Source d'informations complémentaires
Computer Controlled Local Anesthesia Delivery System (Système d'administration
d'anesthésie locale contrôlée par ordinateur) Références
1. Hochman MN, Chiarello D, Hochman CB, Lopatkin R, Pergola S. Computerized
Local Anesthesia Delivery vs. Traditional Syringe Technique. NY State Dent J.
2. Friedman MJ, Hochman MN. 21
Control. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 1997;18:995-1003.
3. Krochak M, Friedman N. Using a precision-metered injection system to minimize
dental injection anxiety. 1998;19(2):137-148.
4. Friedman MJ, Hochman MN. The AMSA injection: A new concept for local
anesthesia of maxillary teeth using a computer-controlled injection system.
Quintessence Int. 1998; 29:297-303.
5. Farah JW. Editors Choice-The Wand. The Dental Advisor. 1998;15:1.
6. CRA. Local Anesthesia, Automated Delivery. Clinical Research Associates
7. Friedman MJ, Hochman MN. P-ASA Block Injection: A new palatal technique to
anesthetize maxillary anterior teeth. J Esthet Dent. 1999;11(2):63-71.
8. Gardner M. The AMSA Block: It will leave your patients smiling. Oral Health.
9. Leiberman, William H. Clinical Session:The Wand. Pediatric Dent. 1999;21:2.
10. Levato C. Giving the Wand a shot. Dent Pract Fin. 1998;July:53.
11. Kehoe B. In search of the painless injection. Dent Pract Fin. 1998;July:53.
12. Lackey A. Technology:An advancement in the delivery of local anesthesia. Pract
Perio Aesthet Dent. 1998;10:1191-1193.
13. Asarch T, Allen K, Petersen B, Beiraghi S. Efficacy of a computerized local
anesthesia device in pediatric dentistry. 1999;21:421-424.
Century Computerized Injection for Local Pain



Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Single tooth anesthesia system sta-5220