S The module is delivered with lifted cover plate. Prior to
mounting, the cover plate has to be lowered by
unscrewing the nut.
S When mounting the container it is important to ensure
that no sudden heavy loads are applied to the mod
ule, for instance when lowering it onto the supports.
Even transient loads can damage the load cell if they
exceed its limit values.
The factory‐fitted overload stop is designed for handling
overloads during normal operation. It is not designed to
deal with short, sharp loads imposed during mounting, as
these commonly amount to a multiple of the permissible
limit values.
S In the case of statically undefined supports, non‐uni
form loading of the modules occurs due to flexibility as
the load is taken up or due to inaccuracy in the height
adjustment. This non‐uniformity should be checked on
the individual load cells by applying an excitation volt
age and comparing the output voltages. To prevent
overloads, any large non‐uniformity should be com
pensated for by inserting shims under the supports
that are least loaded.
S When tanks are heavy or mounting conditions are un
favorable, the use of mounting aids such as auxiliary
supports or lifting equipment is recommended.
S The weighing modules must be installed so that they
are not exposed to lateral forces in the initial state.
This means the built‐in pendulum support must be
A1063-6.0 HBM: public