Revolt ZX-3134 Mode D'emploi page 33

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4. You may y not copy py, modify y , sublicense, or distribute the Prog g ram excep p t as exp p ressly y
p p rovided under this License. Any y attemp p t otherwise to copy py, modify y , sublicense or distri-
bute the Prog g ram is void, and will automatically y terminate y y our rig g hts under this License.
However, p p arties who have received cop p ies, or rig g hts, from y y ou under this License will
not have their licenses terminated so long g as such p p arties remain in full comp p liance.
5. You are not req q uired to accep p t this License, since y y ou have not sig g ned it. However,
nothing g else g g rants y y ou p p ermission to modify y or distribute the Prog g ram or its derivative
works. These actions are p p rohibited by y law if y y ou do not accep p t this License. Therefore,
by y modify y ing g or distributing g the Prog g ram (or any y work based on the Prog g ram), y y ou indi-
cate y y our accep p tance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copy pying g ,
distributing g or modify y ing g the Prog g ram or works based on it.
6. Each time y y ou redistribute the Prog g ram (or any y work based on the Prog g ram), the reci-
p p ient automatically y receives a license from the orig g inal licensor to copy py, distribute or
modify y the Prog g ram subj j ect to these terms and conditions. You may y not imp p ose any y
further restrictions on the recip p ients' exercise of the rig g hts g g ranted herein. You are not
resp p onsible for enforcing g comp p liance by y third p p arties to this License.
7. If, as a conseq q uence of a court j j udg g ment or alleg g ation of p p atent infring g ement or for any y
other reason (not limited to p p atent issues), conditions are imp p osed on y y ou (whether by y
court order, ag g reement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they y
do not excuse y y ou from the conditions of this License. If y y ou cannot distribute so as to
satisfy y simultaneously y y y our oblig g ations under this License and any y other p p ertinent obli-
g g ations, then as a conseq q uence y y ou may y not distribute the Prog g ram at all. For examp p le, if
a p p atent license would not p p ermit roy y alty y -free redistribution of the Prog g ram by y all those
who receive cop p ies directly y or indirectly y throug g h y y ou, then the only y way y y y ou could satisfy y
both it and this License would be to refrain entirely y from distribution of the Prog g ram.
If any y p p ortion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any y p p articular cir-
cumstance, the balance of the section is intended to app
pply y and the section as a whole is
intended to app
pply y in other circumstances.
It is not the p p urp p ose of this section to induce y y ou to infring g e any y p p atents or other p p ro-
p p erty y rig g ht claims or to contest validity y of any y such claims; this section has the sole p p ur-
p p ose of p p rotecting g the integ g rity y of the free software distribution sy y stem, which is imp p le-
mented by y p p ublic license p p ractices. Many y p p eop p le have made g g enerous contributions
to the wide rang g e of software distributed throug g h that sy y stem in reliance on consistent
pplication of that sy y stem; it is up p to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing g to
distribute software throug g h any y other sy y stem and a licensee cannot imp p ose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroug g hly y clear what is believed to be a conseq q uence
of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Prog g ram is restricted in certain countries either by y
p p atents or by y copy pyrig g hted interfaces, the orig g inal copy pyrig g ht holder who p p laces the Pro-
g g ram under this License may y add an exp p licit g g eog g rap p hical distribution limitation exclu-
ding g those countries, so that distribution is p p ermitted only y in or among g countries not
thus excluded. In such case, this License incorp p orates the limitation as if written in the
body y of this License.


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