Gpl-Lizenztext; Gnu General Public License - Revolt ZX-3134 Mode D'emploi

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Wir senden Ihnen auf Anforderung g (g g erne unter
op p ensource@p p den Source Code auch auf einem handelsüblichen Datenträ-
g g er, dessen Herstellung g skosten wir im Geg g enzug g g g eltend machen. Den vollständi-
g g en Lizenztext ersehen Sie nachfolg g end. Näheres, insbesondere auch dazu, warum
es keine offizielle deutsche Übersetzung g der Lizenzbeding g ung g en g g ibt, erfahren Sie
unter http p ://www.g g g / licenses/gp
delt, schließen die Entwickler dieser Software die Haftung g , soweit g g esetzlich zuläs-
sig g , aus. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Gewährleistung g für die Hardware davon natür-
lich nicht betroffen ist und in vollem Umfang g besteht. Weitere Frag g en beantworten
wir Ihnen g g erne unter op p ensource@p p


Version 2, June 1991
Copy pyrig g ht (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Every y one is p p ermitted to copy py and distribute verbatim cop p ies
of this license document, but chang g ing g it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are desig g ned to take away y y y our
freedom to share and chang g e it. By y contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended
to g g uarantee y y our freedom to share and chang g e free software--to make sure the soft-
ware is free for all its users. This General Public License app
ware Foundation's software and to any y other p p rog g ram whose authors commit to using g
it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by y the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead.) You can app
When we sp p eak of free software, we are referring g to freedom, not p p rice. Our General
Public Licenses are desig g ned to make sure that y y ou have the freedom to distribute cop p ies
of free software (and charg g e for this service if y y ou wish), that y y ou receive source code or
can g g et it if y y ou want it, that y y ou can chang g e the software or use p p ieces of it in new free
p p rog g rams; and that y y ou know y y ou can do these thing g s.
To p p rotect y y our rig g hts, we need to make restrictions that forbid any y one to deny y y y ou
these rig g hts or to ask y y ou to surrender the rig g hts. These restrictions translate to certain
resp p onsibilities for y y ou if y y ou distribute cop p ies of the software, or if y y ou modify y it.
For examp p le, if y y ou distribute cop p ies of such a p p rog g ram, whether g g ratis or for a fee, y y ou
must g g ive the recip p ients all the rig g hts that y y ou have. You must make sure that they y , too,
receive or can g g et the source code. And y y ou must show them these terms so they y know
their rig g hts.
We p p rotect y y our rig g hts with two step p s: (1) copy pyrig g ht the software, and (2) offer y y ou this
license which g g ives y y ou leg g al p p ermission to copy py, distribute and/or modify y the software.
Also, for each author's p p rotection and ours, we want to make certain that every y one
understands that there is no warranty y for this free software. If the software is modified
by y someone else and p p assed on, we want its recip p ients to know that what they y have is
gpl-2.0.html. Da es sich um freie Software han-
pply y it to y y our p p rog g rams, too.
pplies to most of the Free Soft-


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