List of pronunc ia t ion sym bols
(List of phone m e s)
When you enter the following pronunciation symbols (phonemes), AIBO can read
the corresponding words aloud.
Example: pronunciation for "hello":
h eh l ow
For improved accuracy, the primary (1), secondary (2) stress markers, and the
syllabic markers (-) can be added to the pronunciation.
Example: pronunciation for "hello" using the primary stress (1) and syllabic (-)
h eh - l ow 1
Each phoneme entry should be delimited with a space.
American English Phoneme Table (American English
Pronunciation Symbol Table)
SYM Example
Syllable boundary (hyphen)
Sentence terminator
(exclamation mark)
& word boundary
Sentence separator (comma)
Downloaded from:
SYM Example
Sentence terminator (period)
Sentence terminator (question
Silence (underscore)
Primary stress