If you get a new E-mail message
AIBO notifies you of new mail message reception as follows:
"You have got xx new mails." (when the automatic checking function is executed)
"There are xx new mails." (when you instructed AIBO to check an E-mail
To have AIBO read a new E-mail message
after that, say "Read my mail" to AIBO, or
press its head sensor strongly in a moment.
AIBO will read aloud the "sender", "title" and
To stop AIBO from reading messages before it finishes reading them, press its back
If you get no new E-mail message
AIBO notifies you that there is no mail message by saying "There is no new
mail." Note that AIBO says nothing when you use the automatic mail check
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Stop reading a message.
You have got xx
new mails
Read my mail.