Ordinary (unclassified) locations with an ambient temperature rating of 0 ºC to + 70 ºC, indoor environments
Approval for Australia and New Zealand
The SIMATIC S7-400 product series meets the requirements of the standard EN 61000-6-4:2007 + A1:2001.
Approval for the Korea and South Korea
The SIMATIC S7-400 product series complies with Korean safety standards:
Registration of Broadcasting and Communication Equipment KCC-REM-S49-S7400
Note that this device corresponds to limit class A in terms of the emission of radio frequency interference. This device can be
used in all areas, except residential areas.
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Siemens AG
Digital Industries
Postfach 48 48
Additions to the FM 453 Positioning Module for servo or stepper drive
Additions to the FM 453 Positioning Module for servo or stepper drive