HD96-24 Basic Operation
(1) A PFL - Indicates an input channel is being heard by
Pre Fader Listen via Solo A bus.
(2) B PFL - Indicates an input channel is being heard by
Pre Fader Listen via Solo B bus.
(3) A PFL - Indicates an output channel is being heard by
Pre Fader Listen via Solo A bus.
(4) B PFL - Indicates an output channel is being heard by
Pre Fader Listen via Solo B bus.
(5) Add (A) - Allows more than one input channel to be listened
at once on the A solo bus.
(6) Add (B) - Allows more than one input channel to be listened
at once on the B solo bus.
(7) Clear (A) - Clears any current solo selections.
(8) Clear (B) - Clears any current solo selections.
Main Bus
(1) Pan - Controls the position of the signal in the stereo field.
(2) Delay - Adjusts the delay time for the selected channel.
(3) Mono - Adjusts the send to the Mono Bus.
(4) Stereo - Sends the selected channel to the Stereo Bus.
(5) On - Turns the selected channel's delay time on.
(6) Mono - Sends the selected channel to the Mono Bus.
(1) Out Swap - Completely swaps the A and B Monitor Busses over meaning
A becomes B and vice versa. For example, this allows you to hear a wedge
monitor mix on the in-ear monitor bus if desired without having to re-patch.
(2) Talk Back - Allows the rear line level talkback input to be directly inputted
into the Monitor A bus.
(3) Talk Back - Allows the rear line level talkback input to be directly inputted
into the Monitor B bus.
(4) ST- Routes the stereo bus to the monitor A bus.
(5) ST- Routes the stereo bus to the monitor B bus.
(6) DIM A - Turns the level of the Monitor A bus down by 6 dB.
(7) DIM B - Turns the level of the Monitor B bus down by 6 dB.
(8) Mute - Mutes the Monitor A bus.
(9) Mute - Mutes the Monitor B bus.
Monitor A Metering - Stereo 20 LED meters, -36 dB to 21 dB.
Monitor B Metering - Stereo 20 LED meters, -36 dB to 21 dB.
Monitor A Level - Level control. Maximum level 10 dB.
Monitor B Level - Level control. Maximum level 10 dB.
C/O - Sends the monitor A level control to the fader directly below for
easy adjustment.
C/O - Sends the monitor B level control to the fader directly below for
easy adjustment.
(1) Master Mute - Mutes the Master Stereo Bus.
(2) Mono Mute - Mutes the Mono Bus.
(3) Master Meters - Stereo 20 LED meters, -36 dB to 21 dB.
(4) Mono Meter - Stereo 20 LED meters, -36 dB to 21 dB.
(5) Master Stereo Bus Level - Level control. Maximum level 10 dB.
(6) Mono Bus Level - Level control. Maximum level 10 dB.
(7) C/O - Sends the Master Stereo Bus level control to the fader directly below
for easy adjustment.
(8) C/O - Sends the Mono Bus level control to the fader directly below for
easy adjustment.
Quick Start Guide