lisTed direcT venT Gas Fireplace heaTer poÊle au Gaz homoloGue', a aéraTion direcTe
noT For use WiTh solid Fuel (ne doiT pasé uTilisé avec un combusible solide)
manufactured by (Fabriqué par): Johnson Gas appliance co. cedar rapids, ioWa
Tested to (Testé aux normes) ansi z21.88 (2002) • csa 2.33-2002 • can/cGa 2.17-m91 and ansi z21.50-1996.
WarninG: improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause property damage, personal injury, or
loss of life. refer to the owner's information manual provided with this appliance. installation and service must be per-formed by a
qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier. For use with glass doors certified with the appliance only. do not operate with
glass panel(s) removed, cracked, or broken. This vented gas fireplace heater is not for use with air filters. register kit may be used.
mise en Garde : installation, réglage, modification, entretien ou depannage non appropriés pourront causer des blessures ou
des dommages materiels. réferéz-vous au manuel du proprietaire fourni avac cet appariel. pour assistance ou rensei-gnements
complémentaires, veuillez consulter un installateur expérimenté, une agence dé depannage/entreitien ou cotre compagnie gaziére.
pour utilisation avec les portes en verre certifiée l'appareil suelement. ne pas opérer avec le verriére enlever, craquelure, brise.
Input Rating (Btu/h) 0 - 610 m (Entrée nominale)
Min. Input Rating (Btu/h) 0 - 610 m (Minimale Entrée nominale)
Orifice 0 - 610 m (Orifice)
Orifice 610 - 1370 m (Orifice)
Maximum output (Btu/h) (Sortie maximale)
Manifold Pressure (in w.c./kPa) (Pression au collecteur)
Manifold Pressure, low (in w.c./kPa) Pression d'entrée minimale)
Minimum Inlet Pressure (in w.c./kPa) (Pression d'entrée minimale) 5.0/1.25
This appliance is only for use with the type of gas indicated on the rating plate and may be installed in an afrtermarket,
per-manently located manufactured (mobile) home where prohibited by local codes. see owner's manual for details. This appli-ance
is not convertible for use with other gases, unless a certified kit is used.
cet appareil sera installé conformémént avec les codes locaux, le cas écheant. si aucun code n'existe, suivez la norme ansi z223.1
ou la norme can/cGa (acnor)-b149.
minimum clearances To combusTible consTrucTion
unit to adjacent sidewall
vent to enclosed top
unit to enclosure sidewall
unit to enclosure back wall
unit top to ceiling
cauTion: hot while in operation. do not touch. Keep children, clothing, furniture, and flammable liquids or vapors away.
aTTenTion: l'appareil est chaud lorsqu'il fonctionne. ne pas toucher l'appareil. survieller les enfants. Garder les véte-ments, les
meubles, l'essence ou autres liquides a capeur inflammables loin de l'appareil.
electrical rating (courant nominal): 120 volts 60 hertz 1.5 amperes
do noT remove or cover This label veillez à ne Jamais enlever ni dissimuler ceTTe éTiqueTTe
éTiqueTTe de sécuriTé
cerTiFied For canada homoloGué pour le canada
10 in. (254mm)
3 in. (76.2mm)
1 in. (25 mm)
1/2 in. (13mm)
14 1/4 in. (374mm)
model: dxv-35
Wh# __________________
(Gaz Naturel)
Front #44 Rear #35
Front #45 Rear #35
unit to floor
vent to enclosed side
Wall pass-Through to framing
mantle above discharge air opening
(Gaz de petrole liquefie (GPL)
Front 3/64" Rear #52
Front 3/64" Rear #53
0 in. (0 mm)
14-3/4 in. (375mm)
0 in. (0mm)
13 in. (330mm)