Maintenance And Cleaning; Environmental Protection - F.F. Group SCS 1 Notice Originale

Table des Matières




For your own safety, turn the switch off and remove
plug from power source outlet before any operation
of maintenance on the machine.
To avoid shock or fire hazard, if the power cord is
worm or cut, or damaged in any way, have it re-
place immediately.
Defective electrical connection cables
Electrical connection cables often suffer insula-
tion damage. Possible causes are:
1. Punch points when connection cables are run
through window or door gaps.
2. Kinks resulting from incorrect attachment or
laying of the connection cable.
3. Cuts resulting from running over the connect-
ing cable.
4. Insulation damage resulting from forcefully
pulling out of the wall socket.
5. Cracks through aging of insulation.
Such defective electrical connection cables must
not be used as the insulation damage makes them
extremely hazardous.
Use a small soft brush to clean the outside of the
unit. Do not use strong detergents. Household
cleaners that contain aromatic oils such as pine
and lemon and solvents such as kerosene can
damage plastic housing or handle. Wipe off any
moisture with a soft cloth. Remove dust, dirt and
machining residues with an appropriate vacuum
cleaner if necessary.
Turn the switch off and remove the plug from
power source outlet to store the machine. Store
the unit only in dry and well ventilated areas.
In case the unit will be stored for an extended
time, use the following storage procedure:
1. Thoroughly clean the unit and inspect for any
loose or damaged parts. Repair or replace dam-
aged parts and tighten loose screws, nuts or
2. Lubricate and apply grease, where required.
3. Store the unit in its original packaging..


Recycle raw materials instead of disposing as
waste. Machine, accessories and packaging should
be sorted for environment friendly recycling. The
plastic components are labeled for categorized
This product must not be disposed of together
with domestic waste in compliance with relative
legislation referring to waste of electrical and
electronic equipment. This product must be dis-
posed of at a designated collection point. This can
occur, for example, by handing it in at an autho-
rized collecting point for the recycling of waste
electrical and electronic equipment. Improper
handling of waste equipment may have negative
consequences for the environment and human
health due to potentially hazardous substances
that are often contained in electrical and elec-
tronic equipment. By properly disposing of this
product, you are also contributing to the effective
use of natural resources.
You can obtain information on collection points
for waste equipment from your municipal admin-
istration, public waste disposal authority, an au-
thorized body for the disposal of waste electrical
and electronic equipment or your waste disposal
This product is warranted in accordance with the le-
gal / country specific regulations, effective from the
date of purchase by the first user. Damage attribut-
able to normal wear and tear, overload or improper
handling will be excluded from the warranty. In case
of a claim, please send the machine, completely as-
sembled, to your dealer or the official service center.
English | 15


Table des Matières

Table des Matières