The air quality indicator is calculated on the basis of PM (Particulate Matter). It measures the quantity of particles
in the air smaller than 2.5 microns. About 1/30th of the width of a hair, i.e. the critical size of particles said to be
hazardous to breathing because they are more difficult to retain and eliminate by the respiratory tract: micro-
dust particles, smoke, allergens, pollutants etc.
To switch the air quality indicator light off and on again, press the RESET button on the control panel.
For better air quality :
. The carbon and HEPA filter should be replaced once a year.
. The photocatalytic filter should be replaced every 3 years. Photocatalysis is based on the principle of activating
a semi-conductor using the energy provided by light, so it is necessary to expose your photocatalysis filter to the
sun every 6 months for about 2 hours.
Do not connect the appliance until the plastic wrapping of the filters has been removed. Never operate the
appliance without a filter.
Follow the steps below in order to install the filters:
Remove the front panel of the unit.
It is held in place by a magnet system.
Air quality indicator
Blue: Perfect
Green: Good
Purple: Average
Red: Poor
Before first use
Remove each of the filter compartments and take the UV
lamps supplied in the box.