Command 0 - NOP
The NOP command can be used for test purposes.
Please note that this command generates an error message as response
Command 1 - Initialization
The first relay board contains the address sent in the frame as "Adr.".
The response frame provides information about the version of the microcontroller software.
After sending the response frame, the controller generates an initialization command with an
address increased by 1 and passes this on to the following board (or returns it to the control
computer in case of single operation). Therefore, the control computer receives N+1 response
frames with N connected relay boards.
Command 2 - Read ports
With "data", the response to this command is the binary code of the activated relays.
This command refers to the 8 relays of the board: Bit 0 in the data value corresponds to relay
K1 (clamp X1), bit 1 with relay K2 (clamp X2) etc.
If e.g. relay K6, relay K5 and relay K1 are activated, the response is 49 (binary 00110001).
Command 3 - Set ports
With "data", this command sends the binary code of the relays to be activated.
This command refers to the 8 relays of the board. Bit 0 in the data value corresponds to relay
1 (clamp X1), bit 1 with relay 2 (clamp X2) etc.
If e.g. relay K8, relay K6 and relay K3 are to be activated, you have to send 164 (binary
10100100) with "data".
Commands 4 and 5 - Setting and reading options
With these commands, you set the behaviour for broadcast commands in "Options".
• Option "broadcast enabled" (default setting ON):
This option defines whether the board executes broadcast commands (ON) or not (OFF).
• Option "block broadcast" (default setting OFF):
This option defines whether the board transfers broadcast commands (OFF) or sends a NOP
command to the subsequent board (ON).