Static roller test stand to test or demonstrate the drive
functions of H0 vehicles.
• Suitable for locomotives using the central power rail
system (Märklin H0) and two-rail system (Trix H0).
• Suitable for supply with DC current (max. 14 V), AC
current (max. 16/24 V) or use with a multiple train
system (e.g. Märklin Digital or Systems,
Trix Selectrix).
• Comes as standard with 8 pairs of rollers for each
powered axle. The positioning of these pairs of
rollers can be varied. The number of installed pairs
of rollers can be changed.
• In addition, there are 2 track sections to accommo-
date non-powered axles (the tender on a steam lo-
comotive, front or rear bogie, etc.) The longer track
section (on the side with the connector boxes) is
connected to the drive current and must therefore
remain attached. The shorter track section on the
other end can be removed and, if necessary, further
pairs of rollers can be added.
• Can be expanded using the additional pair of rollers
78159 for models with more than 8 powered axles.
• Can be expanded with the display device 78111 to
show various speeds and times. An additional pair
of rollers with a sensor to calculate the speed is
included in what is supplied with 78111.
• Length of the static roller test stand: 520 mm.
Maximum usable length: 500 mm.