1 Introduction
1.1 Contents of the package
1 DTMRX2 (DTMRX224) receiver
1 user's manual
2 PG11closure plugs
4 wall fastening brackets with corresponding screws
When the product is delivered make sure the package is intact and has no obvious signs of dropping, scrapes
or scratches. If the package is obviously damaged contact the supplier immediately.
Make sure the contents correspond to the list of materials as above.
1.2 The contents of this manual
This manual describes the DTMRX2 (DTMRX224) receiver, with its specific procedures for installation,
configuration and use. Read this manual carefully, especially the section regarding safety rules, before
installing and using the receiver.
1.3 Typographical conventions
This manual makes use of different graphics symbols, the meaning of which is summarised as follows:
Hazard of electric shock; disconnect the power supply before proceeding with any operation, unless
specified otherwise.
This operation is very important for correct operation of the system: please read the procedure
described carefully, and carry it out as instructed.
Description of system specifications: we strongly advise reading this part carefully so as to understand
the stages that follow.
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