5.3.1 The lifecycle of the saltwater prawn
The saltwater prawn or artimia salina to scientists has an unusual and
interesting lifecycle. The female's eggs are hatched without any male
shrimp having to fertilise them. The resultant baby prawns are all fe-
male. Under unusual circumstances such as when a swamp is drai-
ned the eggs may produce male prawns. These males
fertilise the female's eggs, resulting in a specific type of eggs. These
are called winter eggs and have a thick shell as protection. They're
pretty rugged and can survive the swamp or lake drying out causing
the death of the entire prawn population for up to a decade in a form
of hibernation. The eggs hatch once the right ambient conditions
again obtain. The eggs supplied (Fig 5.37 D) are of this type.
5.3.2 Hatching of the salt water prawn
To hatch the prawn it is essential to first have a saline solution suited
to the prawn's needs. Fill half a litre of rain- or fresh-water in a con-
tainer. Let it stand for about thirty hours. As water evaporates over
time it's a good idea to have a second container of such water left
standing for thirty-six hours. Once it's stood for this length of time
pour half of the sea salt supplied into one of the containers (Fig
5.37 C) and stir until it has dissolved. Then pour some of it into the
prawn breeding plant (Fig 5.35). Add a few eggs and close the lid.
Put it somewhere with plenty of light but not in the direct sun. The
temperature should be approximately 25 C. The prawns will hatch
in two or three days at this temperature. Should any water evapo-
rate during this time replace it from the second container.
5.3.3 The saltwater prawn under the microscope
What comes out of the egg is known as a nauplius larva. Use the
pipette (Fig 5.34 B) to put some of them on a slide for examina-
tion. They will move in the solution using their hair like limbs. Re-
move a few daily from the container for examination under the
microscope. If you do so and save the pictures made with the
MicrOcular you will then have a seamless record of the prawn's
lifecycle. You can remove the upper lid of the prawn bleeding
plant and put the whole thing under the microscope. The larvae
will mature in six to ten weeks depending on ambient tempera-
ture. You will soon have bred an entire generation of saltwater
prawns that constantly reproduce.
5.3.4 Feeding your saltwater prawns
To keep them alive saltwater prawns must be fed occasionally.
This must be done carefully as overfeeding causes the water to
stagnate and poison the prawns. Feeding is best down with dry
powdered yeast (Fig 5.37 A). Give them a little every other day.
If the water darkens this signifies it is stagnating. If so remove the
prawns and put them in a fresh saline solution.
Shrimp eggs and shrimps are not suitable for consumption!
6. Image output and storage (SD card required)
The LCD Micro has the option to display pictures and store
a) View the picture on the LCD screen (sections 1+2.2).
b) You can store your photographs on a suitable sd memory
card (SD = Secure Digital). The memory card slot of the LCD
Micro is on the left hand side of the screen module (Fig.
1+2.1) above the USB connection. To use, push the me-
mory card, with the contacts at the front, into the slot, until
they engage with a faint click. If the installation is correct, a
blue memory card symbol appears above on the LCD moni-
tor. This is again released by pressing and releasing the me-
mory card, which after a faint click, can be taken out of the
slot. Your photographs are now transportable.
c) If you connect your microscope to the PC using the USB
cable provided (Fig. 5.32), you can transfer the photographs
to the PC. The SD-Memory card has to be plugged in. The
USB connection of the LCD Micro is on the left side of the
screen module (Fig. 1+2.1) under the memory card slot. Put
the smaller B-plug (Micro) into the socket on the microscope
and the larger A plug (PC) into a free USB port in your com-
puter (Fig. 5.32). After a successful USB connection, the
operating system will recognise new hardware and then a
new drive will be initialised. This drive is marked as "remova-
ble data carrier e" or "removable data carrier f:", the letters
vary depending upon the number of drive assemblies in your
computer. They are made available on the work station, as
well as in Windows Explorer. This drive contains the contents
of your sd-memory card.
1. The "Access SD card error!" after removing the card is to
be acknowledged by pressing OK.
2. If the card contains a lot of data the microscope module
may be very slow or not react (Crash). Please then remove
the card, turn the power to the microscope off, wait a bit and
then start again.
3. If you delete a lot of data using DelFile / All this may not
work first time round. If so simply repeat it until it does.
When taking a photograph, no USB connection bet-
ween PC and microscope may exist. Before you inter-
rupt the USB connection or switch the screen module
off, you must „deactiveate" the sd-card drive with the
help of the hardware assistant (removable data carrier)
! If the drive is not deactivated, the PC might "crash" or
there might even be a loss of data!
We recommend the use of SD-memory cards (Secure Digi-
tal) with 1 GB or up to 8 GB of storage capacity.