Installation instruction
Installation examples
Installation examples - FIN
Esempio di montaggio
Exemples d'installation
Plafond is always installed visibly and fixed to the ceiling or wall.
Plafond monteres altid synlig og fastgøres mod loft eller væg.
Plafond monteras alltid synligt och infästning sker mot tak eller vägg.
Plafond is always installed visibly and fixed to the ceiling or wall. - FIN
Plafond wird immer sichtbar an einer Wand oder einer Decke montiert.
Plafond è stata pensata per un montaggio a vista, con staffaggio posizionato a soffitto o a parete.
Plafond est toujours installée en apparent et fixée au plafond ou au mur.
Lindab reserves the right to make changes without prior notice
l in d a b | w e s i m p l i f y c o n s t r u c t io n