• BOW Mode (
): Calculates and displays the degree of incline, and the resulting true horizontal distance in yards or
meters, in addition to the line of sight distance. Select this mode (press the Fire button with the bow icon (1) displayed
while in Setup) for bowhunting or other use if you don't need bullet-drop/holdover information. After confirming your
selection of Bow mode, the only other item in the Setup Menu is the Unit of Measure option (8). Pressing the Mode
button will toggle the Units from the default "Y" (yards) to "M" (meters). Press the Fire button to confirm your selection
(leave units set to Yards or change it to metric) and exit the Setup Menu, returning to normal operation.
Bow Mode Example
The true horizontal distance is shown near the bottom of the display (9), alternating with the tilt angle in degrees.
For example, a bowhunter in a tree stand may aim at a downhill deer at a -52° angle relative to his position. The line
of sight distance is 32 yards, but he is likely to "overshoot" the target based on that. The THD distance (compensated
for the angle) reads 23 yards. That is the distance the hunter should use to base his shot.
The line of sight is 32 yards, the angle is -52°, and the Angle Range Compensated distance is 23 yards.
Instead of shooting as 32 yards, shoot as 23 yards. If you were to shoot as if 32 yards, you would shoot over the top
of the deer because of the severe angle.
If in BOW mode, the line of sight distance will display in the primary numeric display, and the inclination and
horizontal distance will display in the secondary numeric displays. Bushnell® determined through extensive testing
and interviews with high-profile bow hunting experts that multiple bow ballistic groups were not necessary. Bow-
hunters want to know true horizontal distance because that is how they practice shooting. Once they confidently
know that, they can make any necessary adjustments—giving the bow-hunter anything else other than horizontal
distance creates additional confusion and uncertainty.
Many people mistakenly believe that uphill shots perform differently from downhill shots because of gravity. However,
it is not due to gravity but more of an aberration of the sighting system used on bows. The sighting pin on a bow
resides several inches above the mechanical axis of the arrow. For example, when aiming 23 degrees up an incline,
the arrow is at a different angle.
• Reticle Select: The Setup menu allows you to select your preferred reticle type for the center of the display (for all
modes). Press and hold the Mode button to get into the Menu screen. Tap Mode while in Reticle Select and cycle
through Circle, Dot, and Circle with Dot (this is the default) options. Press the Fire button to confirm the selection of
the reticle you prefer, and exit the Setup menu.
• ACTIVESYNC™ Brightness Setting: ACTIVESYNC is always on, allowing the display to adjust the display contrast
to the background automatically. The Setup menu allows you to select your brightness preference (for all modes).
Press and hold the Mode button to get into the Menu screen. Tap Mode to while in ACTIVESYNC and cycle through
Brightness 25% (default setting), Brightness 50%, Brightness 75%, and Brightness 100% options. Press the Fire button
to confirm the selection of Brightness you prefer, and exit the Setup menu.
Line of Sight = 32Y
Degree of Angle = -52°
Compensated Distance = 23Y`