Assemble the parts of the vault and arc (fi gure 7) - do not lock them with mortal or
sealants. Next, position the smoke damper (supplied separately as an accessory)
and fi nally attach the smoke connection. Insulate the smoke connection with material
resistant to a minimum of 500 °C and seek to position it at an angle no greater than
45° (fi gure 8).
Remember to check that the dimen-
sions of the fl ue pipe match those
shown in the technical data (see
page 26, 27,28).
Cover the entire vault of the oven,
including the arc, with at least 5 cm
of suitable insulating material.
Finish the insulation by placing at
least 10cm of thick grain expanded
clay (8/10 mm) on the sides and
rear of the oven and 20 cm on the
vault (fi gure 9).
This will provide excellent insulation
to ensure that the oven rises by the
correct temperature when heating
up and cools down slowly to provi-
de an advantage when cooking.
Moreover, this means that you do
not need to grout the inside of the
oven with mortar and/ or refractory cements.