O O u u t t l l e e t t / / U U S S B B p p a a n n e e l l u u p p g g r r a a d d e e
T T o o o o l l s s r r e e q q u u i i r r e e d d : :
#3 Phillips screwdriver
#2 Phillips screwdriver
Flat screwdriver
Diagonal pliers
Staple gun
Utility knife
Tape measure
Blanket or equivalent
P P r r o o c c e e d d u u r r e e : :
1. Pull the bench away from the wall.
2. Lay a blanket, or equivalent, on the floor behind the bench.
3. Using two hands, lift up on the bottom of the bench to flip the bench onto its back.
C C A A U U T T I I O O N N - - Always confirm stable foot placement and back support or get assistance from another person to avoid the
risk of injury or product damage.
4. Using a flat screwdriver and diagonal pliers if needed, remove the staples that secure the front of the bottom cover to the
bottom of the bench frame.
5. Using a flat screwdriver and diagonal pliers if needed, remove the staples that secure the sides of the bottom cover to
the bottom of the bench frame.
N N o o t t e e - - Remove the side staples about eight inches down from the front.
6. Using a #3 Phillips screwdriver, remove the eight screws (E) that secure the front panel (F) (Figure 7). Save the screws.
Remove and discard the panel.
7. Using a utility knife, cut a hole in the center of the bottom cover.
N N o o t t e e - - Use your finger to feel the solid edges through the center of the bottom cover. Cut along the edges across the
front and down both sides to remove the fabric.
8. Route the power cable through the hole that was made in step 7 toward the back of the bench and lower the new front
panel onto the base.
9. Using a #3 Phillips screwdriver, reinstall the eight screws (E) that secure the front panel (F).
10. Using a staple gun, staple the bottom cover back to the bottom of the bench frame.
11. Using a tape measure, measure the power cord three feet from the back of the outlet/USB.
12. Using a cable tie (J), secure the power cord to the bench frame (Figure 12).
N N o o t t e e - - Use a cable tie or hook and loop fastener to secure the power cord to the bench frame.
13. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, install the P-clamp (H) onto the power cord and tighten the supplied screw (I) into the
back frame.