remote control functional Description
1. sourcE (src) Button: Press this button to switch between and select available sources.
(Disc, Radio, USB/iPod®, AV-IN1, AV-IN2, Settings, Bluetooth®, Camera)
2. powEr Button (
3. BluEtooth (Bt) Button: Press this button to enter the Bluetooth feature.
4. NAVigAtioN Button: Press this button to enter the Navigation feature. Press again to return
to previous source.
5. plAY / pAusE (
button again to resume normal playback.
6. NEXt forward (
playback of a disc. Press this button while in Radio mode to search available radio station by
increasing tuning frequency. Press this button while in iPod mode to pause playback/starts
playback of a music file.
7. ANglE Button (
time the button is pressed, the angle changes.
Note: the numbers of angles vary from disc to disc. Not all discs contain this option.
8. suBtitlE Button (
Each time the button is pressed, the subtitle language changes.
Note: the type and number of languages for subtitles vary from disc to disc.
9. AuDio Button: Press to display and select the audio language in DVD mode. Each time the
button is pressed, the language changes.
Note: the languages for audio vary from disc to disc.
10. VolumE Button (Vol + and -): Press these buttons to increase or decrease the playback
11. sEtup Button: Press to this button to enter the system settings menu.
12. mutE Button (
13. goto Button: Press this button to open direct entry search screen during the playback of a
14. ANswEr iNcomiNg phoNE cAll Button (
Bluetooth phone call.
15. Disconnect ActiVE phoNE cAll Button (
Bluetooth phone call.
16. BAcKspAcE Button (
passwords, track/chapter selections or phone numbers using the remote control.
17. rANDom Button ( ): Press this button to play tracks or chapters in random order while
playing a disc.
18. rEpEAt Button ( ): Press this button to repeat the playback of a current track. Allows the
user to repeat a selected Title, Chapter or Track of a DVD, CD or MP3.
19. Number Buttons (0-9): Press these buttons to directly access chapters and tracks, dialing
phone numbers, or entering passwords.
20. Up (▲) / Down (▼) Buttons: Press these buttons to scroll upward and downward,
respectively, in menu options.
21. mENu Button: Press this button to access the root menu of a DVD or CD during playback.
The disc will return to normal playback and the root menu will disappear if no selection is made
within 10 seconds. This button is also used to select photo mode of an MP3 player.
22. ENtEr Button (oK): Press this button to implement a selected setting or accept an option.
): Press this button to turn the unit ON and OFF.
) Button: Press this button to pause the playback of a disc. Press this
) Button: Press this button to skip to the next chapter, track or song during
): Press to display and select different camera angles in DVD mode. Each
): Press to display and select the subtitle language in DVD mode.
): Press this button to turn the audio output ON and OFF.
): Press this button to correct invalid number entries when entering
): Press this button to answer an incoming
): Press this button to disconnect an active