Oxford Essential Geographical Dictionary
How to use the Oxford Essential Geographical Dictionary
The 'entry map' below explains the different parts of a typical entry in
this dictionary:
1. Boldface: Main entries, alternate names, and derivative forms
appear in boldface.
Word division: Dots within the main entries mark places where a
name can be divided correctly, as at the end of a line of text. Many
names will not have dots at each syllable, because the dots are
intended to show optimum word division points. Thus, one-letter
syllables at the beginning or end of a name are not marked with
dots (Aus•tria, not Aus•tri•a; Avon, not A•von). No divisions are
marked in hyphenated names, because they are best divided at the
hyphen. Standard generic terms that are used in many place
names, such as river and mountain , are not marked for word
2. Cross-references appear in BOLD CAPITALS ( ).
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