Oxford Mini Thesaurus
Note on trademarks and proprietary status
This dictionary includes some words which have, or are asserted to
have, proprietary status as trademarks or otherwise. Their inclusion
does not imply that they have acquired for legal purposes a non-
proprietary or general significance, nor any other judgement concerning
their legal status. In cases where the editorial staff have some evidence
that a word has proprietary status this is indicated in the entry for that
word by the label trademark but no judgement concerning the legal
status of such words is made or implied thereby.
Guide to the thesaurus
Entries are divided into numbered sections according to sense. The first
synonym in each section is the most useful and helps to identify its sense.
Most of the synonyms given are part of standard English, but some have
restricted use. These are placed at the end of each group and have the
following labels in front of them:
informal , e.g. swig : normally only used in speech or informal writing.
formal , e.g. thereupon : normally only used in writing, such as official
technical , e.g. admixture . Words used in specific fields are labelled
Medicine , Nautical , etc.
poetic/literary , e.g. plenteous .
dated , e.g. rotter .
historical , e.g. serfdom : only used today to refer to things that are no
longer part of modern life.
humorous , e.g. posterior .
archaic , e.g. aliment : not in use today except for old-fashioned effect.
Synonyms are also labelled if they are exclusively or mainly British, Scottish,
North American, Australian, or New Zealand expressions.
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