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WARNING Do not let children use or play with the cleaner. Do not allow swimmers in the pool during cleaner operation. Ne laissez pas un enfant utiliser ou jouer avec l’aspirateur. Il est interdit de se baigner lorsque l’aspirateur fonctionne. JOKER V22 is a trademark of PONTOON SA patent pending...
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STEP 5 Hose length should reach farthest point in pool plus 2 additional hose sections. Le tuyau doit atteindre le point le plus éloigné du bassin. Ajoutez à cette longueur 2 sections de tuyau supplémentaires. In cold water (60 degrees or less), vacuum will need to be increased to overcome reduced flexibility of the hose.
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HAYWARD will not be responsible for liner damage caused by a cleaner out of warranty or one that has been used in a pool having an aged or deteriorated liner. You are responsible for liner damage if you use the Sun Ray pool vacuum under these conditions.
Replacing the Hammer wings Remplacement des ailettes du marteau Remove the Foot Pad (J) With a screwdriver, remove the Hammer Retainer. Pull out the Hammer and Fins. Déboîter la semelle complètement (J) A l’aide d’un tournevis faire levier sur la patte de Tirer la trappe vers l’extérieur.
TROUBLESHOOTING MY CLEANER DOESN’T START MY CLEANER DOESN’T MOVE THE CLEANER DOESN’T CLEAN THE ENTIRE POOL • Check that the pump is on • Check the seal : the sign “UP” must be on the top • Check the length of the hose •...
5. La utilización inapropriada de productos quimicos y / ó una instalación defectuosa pueden deteriorar, decolorar y / ó crear fisuras en las pare- 11. This limited warranty shall apply only to customer as an original purchaser of the cleaner from a Sun Ray Pool Vacuum dealer and shall not des y en el fondo de ciertas piscinas.