Quick Start Guide
Refer to pages 16 and following on
what other Roco and Fleischmann
components can be used with the
Digital Centre.
Z21 mobile app system requirements:
iPad as of v1.3
iPhone and iPod as of iOS 4.3
Android devices as of v2.3
8041500920.indd 38
1.2 How to Start Your WLAN Router
Connect the
Digital Centre to the supplied WLAN router to allow operating your layout using
external peripherals such as a smartphone or tablet PC.
1. Place the WLAN router on top of or next to the controller. Select a location to ensure a trouble-
free connection between router and smartphone or tablet PC.
2. Connect the LAN port of the Digital Centre to a LAN port of the WLAN router using the sup-
plied network cable.
3. If you have an Internet connection, you can optionally cable the WLAN router via a WAN port to
the router of your Internet provider. This allows accessing the existing connection to the Inter-
net from your smartphone or tablet PC to download updates or information.
Ready! Your
Digital System is now ready for use. Next, you will learn how to install the Z21
mobile control app on your smartphone and how to connect your smartphone or tablet PC with
Digital Centre.
1.3 How to Install the Z21 Mobile App
▶ Make sure that your smartphone or tablet PC is connected to the Internet.
▶ When using an iPad (as of version 1.3) or an iPhone or iPod (as of iOS 4.3), use the AppStore.
▶ When using an android smartphone or tablet (as of version 2.3) phone, change to Google Play.
▶ Use the search function to look for the "Z21 Mobile". Install the app.
▶ Start the app. The start-up screen displays. Let's go!
▶ Register the smartphone or tablet PC with the Z21 WLAN. To register with Android or iOS
systems, consult the manual of your peripheral device.
▶ More on the operation of the Z21 Mobile App, see Pages 50 and following.
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