the last character. The key
used to start the second line. The
keys SYMBOL and LETTER allow
you to switch between the two
keypads for basic characters and
special characters. There is nor
way to add German umlauts. The
key SMALL switches to small cha-
racter size, the key LARGE swit-
ches to a bigger character size.
The key Space is used to add a
whitespace character. The key
Cap (Caps, also: Shift) switches
between capital letters and lower
case letters. Depending on the
size and shape of the key a defi-
ned maximum number of charac-
ters can be assigned over two
lines. It is possible to exchange
the text designation with a sym-
bol by choosing the key
SYMBOL, browsing with the page
selection keys (6)(7) and choo-
sing one of the symbols. The key
SAVE ends the process.
(C) Move a function key:
Touch the desired function key. If
you select MOVE, arrow symbols
appear. Use them to move the
function key to a different, empty
place on the same page and
press OK to drop it there. Note
that function keys must not touch
each other or overlap. The key
EXIT returns to the function key
page without changes. If the func-
tion key is to be moved to a diffe-
rent page, use the page selection
keys (6)(7) instead of the arrow
(D) Change shape/size
of a function key:
Select the desired function key.
When you touch the option KEY
SIZE/SHAPE you have the choice
between 3 different key shapes
(circle/ellipse, rectangle, arrow
key pad). Only the three of them
are available. After you selected
one you see a preview of the key
area that you can resize now by
touching the surrounding area
(where the bottom right corner
will be placed). In addition to
that you can use the arrow keys
on screen to move the key on the
page. Use the page selection
keys (6)(7) to move the key to
another function key page. Press
OK to save the design or EXIT to
quit this action.