Alarm defekt romføler (termostat)*
Tilkall autorisert servicepersonell.
Alarm defekt avrimingsføler (fordamper)*
Tilkall autorisert servicepersonell.
(ikke i C skap – kjøleskap)
Alarm defekt kondensatorføler*
Tilkall autorisert servicepersonell.
defekt ekstraføler*
*NB! Maskinen vil fortsette å fungere i såkalt
"tvungen" syklus (tidsstyrt modus).
Tilkall autorisert servicepersonell.
Alarm for data- eller minnefeil.
Trykk på hvilken som helst knapp (ikke AV/
PÅ knappen), displayet vil vise "rSt" i ca. tre
sekunder. Dersom dette ikke løser problemet,
sett maskinen i "STAND BY" og gjør maskinen
strømløs. Vent i 30 sekunder og start maskinen
på nytt. Fortsetter alarmen, tilkall autorisert
På fryseskapene er dørkarmen elektrisk oppvarmet for å hindre
kondens og fastfrysing av tetningslisten til døren.
According to the Machinery Directive, 2006/42/EC central plant
ready cooling units and cabinets are classed as
semi-fi nished products, where the company who installs the
remote refrigeration machinery or connection to a central
plant, is responsible for completing the machinery. In this case,
the installer of the refrigeration machinery that operates the
equipment is classifi ed as the manufacturer.
The meaning of the Directive, is that the manufacturer is
responsible and obligated for placing the machine on the
market and as such has to undertake CE marking of the
complete machine, maintenance of operation, service and other
instructions as well as the technical construction fi les and the
testing and adjustment of the machine. For more information
see our separate declaration of incorporation.