© DiskArt™ 1988
5. Track section with reduced speed (slow block) (MTS)
In addition to the MTS Braking Module, you need a 55090 MTS Power
Extender and two or four 17100 EPL Track Contacts. All locomotives must
be equipped with 17010 EPL Loco Magnets. The slow block must be
separated electrically from the rest of the layout. The insulated track section
must be long enough even in the opposite direction of travel: The power
pickups of a train (including illuminated cars) may never bridge an insulated
track section when a contact is triggered. The MTS Power Extender is set
to operating mode "Operation with 55063 MTS Braking Module" and to
the desired speed step 1-14 (slow to fast flashing) (see 55090 instructions).
The train enters the insulated track block. It passes over the track contact
"F-On" The MTS Power Extender sends a new speed step command to
the insulated track section. The loco brakes with the braking programmed
in the decoder to this speed step. When the loco passes over the contact
"F-Off," the previously selected speed step is transmitted to the slow block.
The loco accelerates with the acceleration programmed in the loco decoder.
To enable trains to travel through the slow block in the opposite direction,
two additional track contacts "R-On" and "R-Off" must be installed.
Programming the MTS Braking Module:
CV5: Operating mode Module a: 15, Module b: 240. Add the function
values for both modules.
5. Track section with reduced speed (slow block) (MTS)
In addition to the MTS Braking Module, you need a 55090 MTS Power Extender
and two or four 17100 EPL Track Contacts. All locomotives must be equipped with
17010 EPL Loco Magnets. The slow block must be separated electrically from
the rest of the layout. The insulated track section must be long enough even in the
opposite direction of travel: The power pickups of a train (including illuminated
cars) may never bridge an insulated track section when a contact is triggered.
The MTS Power Extender is set to operating mode "Operation with 55063 MTS
Braking Module" and to the desired speed step 1-14 (slow to fast flashing)
(see 55090 instructions).
The train enters the insulated track block. It passes over the track contact "F-On"
The MTS Power Extender sends a new speed step command to the insulated track
section. The loco brakes with the braking programmed in the decoder to this speed
step. When the loco passes over the contact "F-Off," the previously selected speed
step is transmitted to the slow block. The loco accelerates with the acceleration
programmed in the loco decoder. To enable trains to travel through the slow block
in the opposite direction, two additional track contacts "R-On" and "R-Off" must
be installed.
Programming the MTS Braking Module:
CV5: Operating mode Module a: 15, Module b: 240. Add the function values for
both modules.