Fax Menu List
Liste de menus Fax
Fax Menüliste
& 62
& 63
& 64
& 65
Press x again to finish setting.
Menu items and values may differ depending on the region.
Fax settings menu
Quality *¹
Standard, Fine, Photo
Contrast *¹
-4 to +4
Send Fax Later
Off, On
Fax Mode
Sending, Polling
Fax Settings
Print Report
Speed Dial Setup
Group Dial Setup
Check Fax Connection
Restore Default
& 32
Wi-Fi Settings
See your online Network Guide for details.
File Sharing Setup
USB, Wi-Fi
& 76
*1 Settings for transmitted faxes.
*2 Prints or displays the communication log.
*3 Prints a communication log for the previous transmission
or the previous polling results received.
*4 Reprints from the latest fax received. When the memory
is full, the oldest faxes are erased first.
*5 Prints the protocol for the latest communication.
*6 Indicates whether or not to reduce received faxes larger than
A4-size to A4, or prints them at their original size on multiple
*7 Indicates whether or not to print a report for the previous
Fax Log *², Last
transmitted fax. Select On Error to print reports only when
Transmission *³, Speed
an error occurs. Select On Send to print reports for every fax.
Dial List, Group Dial
*8 Indicates the type of answer ring pattern you want to use
List, Reprint Faxes *⁴,
to receive faxes. To select an option other than All (or Off),
Protocol Trace *⁵
you must set up your phone system to use different
Create, Edit, Delete
ring patterns. This option may be On/Off depending
Create, Edit, Delete
on the region.
Quality, Contrast, Auto
*9 Indicates whether or not to use Error Correction mode
Reduction *⁶, Last
to automatically correct fax data sent/received with errors
Transmission Report *⁷
due to the line or any other problems. Color faxes cannot
be sent/received when ECM is off.
DRD *⁸, ECM *⁹, V.34 *¹⁰,
Rings to Answer *¹¹,
*10 Indicates the speed at which you transmit and receive faxes.
On is 33.6 kbps and Off is 14.4 kbps.
Dial Tone Detection *¹²,
Dial Mode *¹³
*11 Depending on the region, this setting may not be displayed.
*12 When this is set to On, the product starts dialing after it
detects a dial tone. It may not be able to detect a dial tone
Fax Header, Your
when a PBX (Private Branch Exchange) or a TA (Terminal
Phone Number
Adapter) is connected. In that case, set to Off. However,
doing so may drop the first digit of a fax number and send
the fax to the wrong number.
*13 Indicates the type of phone system to which this product
is connected. Depending on the region, this menu may
not be displayed.