Putting into Operation
If the manufacturer's settings, such as the coarse measuring range, are re-
tained the operation is limited to the following points:
3.1 Select Measuring Range
With the factory settings measuring range 1 (" 1 mV/V) is always switched
on. Measuring range 2 (calibration at "0.2 mV/V) can be selected either in-
ternally via DIP switch 24/4 or externally by connecting a single-pole change-
over switch to pin 25c (see chapter 4.2).
3.2 Bridge Zero Balancing
The bridge zero balancing is carried out by means of the screwdriver poten-
tiometers P23 (fine) and switches S22 (coarse) and S23 (polarity). (See also
chapter 4.4).
3.3 MR Fine Adjustment
The fine adjustment of the measuring range is made seperately for both
ranges by means of the screwdriver potentiometers P21 (measuring range 1)
and P22 (measuring range 2). The potentiometers, which are accessible from
the front, permit corrections of approx. 35 % (related to the set measuring
range). As far as measuring range 1 is concerned, the fine adjustment is also
possible via an external potentiometer (for this see chapter 4.3).
P22 must not be altered in order not to detune the manufacturer's setting
(MR2 " 0.2mV/V) (see chapter 4.5).
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