Information on electromagnetic compatibility (eMc)
Electronic devices such as PCs and mobile phones can lead to medical devices in operation being
exposed to electromagnetic interference from other devices. This can lead to malfunction of the me-
dical device and create a potentially unsafe situation.
Medical devices should also not interfere with any other equipment.
The EN 60601-1-2 standard regulates the requirements for EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) and
defines the levels of immunity to electromagnetic interference and the maximum electromagnetic
emission levels for medical devices.
This blood pressure monitor, which is manufactured by Geratherm Medical AG, complies with the EN
60601-1-2 standard in relation to both immunity and emissions.
Nevertheless, special precautions should be observed:
Please only use the device indoors and not in the vicinity of mobile phones or microwave ovens.
This device should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other devices; and if it has to be used
adjacent to or stacked with other devices, it should be observed to verify normal operation in the
configuration in which it is being used.
In the case of devices exceeding the maximum power of 2 W, the minimum distance from your
blood pressure monitor should be 3.3 metres.
The use of accessories, transducers and cables other than those specified or provided by the manu-
facturer of this device may result in increased electromagnetic emissions or reduced electromagnetic
immunity of the device and may cause it to malfunction.