What to expect when treating with Silk'n FaceFX?
During a Silk'n FaceFX session it is normal to experience and feel:
A Sensation of Warmth – During the Silk'n FaceFX session
you may feel slight warmth. This is normal and should
disappear up to an hour after the session.
Some Mild Red Color – After each Silk'n FaceFX session you
may notice a slight reddening of the skin (mild erythema)
over the treated area. This is normal and should fade within
an hour or two.
A Fan Noise - It is normal to hear a fan noise turning on and
off during FaceFX treatments. This is a safety feature that
helps regulate the skin temperature during use.
Best results can be expected 3-7 weeks after completing the
recommended course of treatment.
After treating with Silk'n FaceFX
When FaceFX session has been completed turn FaceFX off by
pressing the
After each session it is recommended that you clean your
FaceFX device, especially the
"Cleaning FaceFX").
Place the
batteries (See Section: "Silk'n FaceFX Battery Charging").
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in its
(See Section:
cradle to recharge the