Copyright Statement; Safety Statement - PCWork PCW02B Mode D'emploi

Table des Matières


Les langues disponibles
  • FR

Les langues disponibles

Copyright Statement

In accordance with international copyright law, you are not allowed to copy the
contents of this manual in any form (including translations) or add additional content
without given permission in written form by the distributor.

Safety Statement

The "Caution" symbol refers to any condition or operation which might cause
damage to the instrument or equipment.
Any such operation has to be performed with caution. If incorrectly performed or
without following the procedures, the instrument and equipment might get damaged. In
case that conditions are not fully met or not fully understood, do not continue to
perform any operation flagged with the "Caution" symbol.
The "Warning" symbol refers to any condition or operation which might cause
damage to the user. Any such operation has to be performed with caution. If
incorrectly performed or without following the procedures, personal injury or casualties
might result. In case that conditions are not fully met or not fully understood, do not
continue to perform any operation flagged with the "Warning" symbol.


Table des Matières

Table des Matières