3.4.1 Periapical X-rays
Offset Bitewing Tab (sold separately)
It is always best to use the DEXIS Titanium sensor holders provided. How-
ever, if you are taking a Periapical X-ray and you cannot use the standard
Periapical DEXIS biteblock, try using a bitewing tab, cover, sticky, or foam.
Place it above or below the center line of the sensor. Note that the entire
sensor does not need to be placed in the arch, only that part that gives you
the information you need.
Use a cotton roll to protect the cable. Note also that when using
holders other than the DEXIS Titanium sensor holders, you must always
protect the cable and sensor from damage.
Also consider using the Endo (hand-held) holders. Whether you use a bi-
secting-angle or a modified occlusal technique, the child's focus can be di-
verted to holding the holder. Allow them to remove it after the image is
taken. Children tend to be less fearful and more cooperative if they feel they
are helping. Again, their focus is on helping you.
3.4.2 Bitewing X-rays
When you are taking bitewings and your goal is to see the crowns of the pri-
mary teeth, you will find that often the child will not need to close all the
way. Place the sensor in the center of the palate first. (When the sensor is
placed in the mandible, the child is more likely to try to manipulate the sen-
sor.) Next, have the child close down an appropriate amount. Then, ask the
child to focus on saying "eeeeee" to allow better vision into the mouth and
aid in producing a well-placed image.
Use the bitewing biteblock, with or without the ring and bar. If this is not
possible, using a bitewing tab, cover, sticky or foam.
Use a cotton roll to protect the cord. Again, note that when us-
ing holders other than the DEXIS Titanium sensor holders, you must always
protect the cord.