13. Universal functions
("Punch Through")
The universal functions (also called "punch through"
functions) allow you to carry out certain functions on a
different type of device type to the one programmed.
These are the volume, mute and playback functions.
13.1. Playback functions
If the remote control is in TV, SAT or cable mode (only
applies to devices without their own playback func-
tion), you can use the PLAY, STOP, PAUSE, FAST FOR-
WARD/REWIND keys, and in some cases the RECORD
key, to control a video recorder, DVD player or video
recorder. The DVD or VCR source keys do not need to
be pressed in advance. The most recently selected de-
vice will always be actuated.
This punch through control does not work if the pro-
grammed TV, SAT or cable code has its own video re-
corder function (for example in the case of a com-
bined TV-video recorder device).