Design spaces for plants
• Design your shelves wider in areas where you
wish to place aquatic plants. (See Ex. 10) a
water depth up to about 10", so the top shelf is a
perfect location for these plants.
(See Ex. 10)
• Water lilies will vary according to species, but a depth of
12-24" at the crown works best, so the second shelf or
bottom of the pond will work great for the lilies.
(See Ex. 10)
Ex. 10 Pond excavation - side view of plant pockets.
1st plant and rock shelf:
shelf varies 8" or greater
wide, 1" to 12" deep
Marginal plants should be removed from
containers and placed directly into the
2nd plant & rock shelf:
Set 6" to 12" size
16" to 20" deep
cobblestones on
vertical edges.
Gravel on all
horizontal surfaces
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• To make planting lilies easier, add a few 'lily pockets.'
These pockets are simply depressions or bowls cut into
the soil 6-8" deep and 10-16" in diameter. The goal is to
create a natural looking pond, and this is possible only if
plant pots are eliminated or completely hidden.
(See Ex. 10)
Water line
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Liner ends 1" to 2"
outside of pond
Plant pocket 6" to 8" deep,
10" to 16" diameter