OBJ_DOKU-187031-001-1-mehrere.fm Seite 14 Freitag, 5. September 2008 11:29 11
With these neutral electrodes, only the proper connection between
neutral electrode and electrosurgical unit is monitored. You will
not receive a warning if the neutral electrode becomes detached or
the application direction is incorrect.
Cleaning and disinfection
ERBE recommends wiping or spray disinfection with an appropri-
ate disinfectant. Comply with the disinfectant manufacturer's stip-
ulations as to its suitability and concentration.
Rinse the product with water immediately after use and wash it
with an alkaline cleaning solution
It is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions for the dis-
infectant used!
Dry the product at a temperature of max. 75 °C.