TC2290 User Manual
When the DAW SYNC selection is active (by pressing the SYNC button on the
unit), some parameters can be adjusted to control the relationship between the
delay and the DAW tempo.
The delay subdivision (SUBDIV) can be set anywhere from 1/64th note to a whole
note. Note that this can also be adjusted using the arrow buttons in the DELAY
section on the unit.
The subdivision can also be heard in straight time, dotted, or triplet feel by
adjusting the MODE setting.
When engaged, the INV DLY MOD button inverts the flanger sweep start and
the envelope pitchshift direction. This only applies to Delay Mod Waveforms
Engage the DEEP MOD by pressing the button. DEEP MOD disables the automatic
modulation depth mapping known as "Golden Ratio". This makes it possible
to do much deeper modulation with wild pitch shifts, but it is somewhat
All 4 of these items offer 9 threshold settings for their respective parameter.
Range for each parameter is 1-9.
DLY MOD – Delay ENV and TRIG waveforms.
PAN MOD – Pan ENV and TRIG waveforms.
DYN DLY VOL – Determines the threshold for the volume modulation of the delay
(and direct for ENV REVERSE) signal when DYN modulation is ENV or TRIG.
DYN FB – Determines the threshold for the modulation of the feedback level
when DYN modulation waveform TRIG is selected (not ENV).
These set the thresholds associated with the Envelope (ENV) and Trigger (TRIG)
modulation forms. The higher the value, the higher input signal is necessary
to get the same modulation effect. Delay, Pan and Dynamic thresholds are
adjustable in 3 dB steps. The OSC./THRESHOLD LED indicates the current
operating state, and can therefore be used as help for setting the threshold.
Use the PRESET section to recall and save presets as well as assigning them
as favorites. See Chapter 6 for details.
Bottom section
The bottom portion of the plug-in window displays connection status as well as
plug-in instance name, and has several options available.
The green chain icon indicates successful connection between the hardware
unit and the plug-in. Connection issues will be indicated by yellow or red icons;
see Chapter 3 for details.
The current name of the plug-in instance appears in the middle field. If the DAW
is able to provide the name of the track where the plug-in instance is inserted,
the plug-in instance will be named after the track name. The instance can be
renamed by clicking the pencil icon.
If you install the plug-in without connecting the hardware unit to your computer,
a red dot will appear on the shopping cart icon. This will link you to more
information about buying the TC2290 unit. Once the plug-in detects a connected
hardware unit, the red dot will disappear.
The Settings icon accesses a menu with several links and options. This user
manual is available, along with links to the TC Electronic website, relevant news,
additional signature artist presets, and the user license agreement. If a red dot
appears over the Settings icon, a new version of the plug-in or firmware may
be available. Click "Check for Updates" to download and install the new file.
See Chapter 7 for details.
With the "Help" option selected, hovering the mouse over a certain item in the
plug-in window will give a brief description of the parameter's function and the
Special key number (if applicable).
With the "Take over on focus" option selected, the currently viewed plug-in
instance will take over control of the physical hardware unit as soon as it is
brought into focus.
Also, when a new instance of the plug-in is inserted on a track or bus, that
instance will take over immediately.