WEEE Compliance
The mark shown to the right is in compliance with the Waste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment Direc�ve 2002/96/EC (WEEE).
The mark indicates the requirement NOT to dispose of the equipment as
unsorted municipal waste, but use the return and collecĦon systems according
to local law. Users should contact their supplier and check the terms and condiĦons
of the purchase contract. When purchased directly from TriTech Industries, or a
TriTech Industries Distributor you may contact technical support for disposal
RoHS Compliance Statement
TriTech Industries products are designed to meet ReducĦon of Hazardous Substance DirecĦve 2011/65/EU
8June2011, the product manufactured by TriTech Industries do not contain materials that exceed thresholds for
cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) or other regulated substances.
Safety Compliance Statement
Tritech Industries product are cerĦfied meeĦng UL 1450 Issued: 2010/05/05 Ed: 4 Rev: 2013/11/01 Motor-
Operated Air Compressors, Vacuum Pumps, & PainĦng Equipment and CSA C22.2#68 Issued: 2009/09/01 Ed: 7
Motor-Operated Appliances (Household and Commercial)-General InstrucĦon No 1 : 2010/02/01 - General
InstrucĦon No. 2: 2010/09/28. TriTech Industries products are designed to conform to EN 55014-1
Issue:2006/12/01 Electromagneticcompatibility Requirementsfor electric tools and similar apparatus, EN 55014-
2Issued:2001/12/01 EMC- Requirementsfor Electric Tools and Similar Apparatus, and EuropeanUnion Low
Voltage Directive (LVD) 2006/95/EC