WMA and MP3 Compatibility
It is possible to playback WMA and MP3 files.
About WMA
The unit can playback WMA data.
Windows Media and the Windows logo are
trade marks or registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States
and/or other countries.
This unit may not operate correctly depending
on the application used to encode WMA files.
About MP3
Supply of this product only conveys a license
for private, non-commercial use and does not
convey a license nor imply any right to use
this product in any commercial (i.e.revenue-
generating) realtime broadcasting (terrestrial,
satellite, cable and/or any other media),
broad-casting/streaming via internet, intranets
and/or other networks or in other electronic
content distribution systems, such as pay-
audio or audio-on-demand applications.
An independent license for such use is
required. For details, please visit http://www.