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Crossbars must be between 12 and 40
inches apart to install the BasketCase.
l o a d l I M I T S :
Do not exceed
your rack's weight
Check your owner's manual
or the YAKIMA Fit List.
basket weight 15 lbs. (7 kg)
basket contents
it is cRitical that all YakiMa Racks anD accessoRies be PRoPeRlY anD secURelY attacheD to YoUR Vehicle.
iMPRoPeR attachMent coUlD ResUlt in an aUtoMobile acciDent, anD coUlD caUse seRioUs boDilY inJURY
oR Death to YoU oR to otheRs. YoU aRe ResPonsible FoR secURing the Racks anD accessoRies to YoUR caR,
checking the attachMents PRioR to Use, anD PeRioDicallY insPecting the PRoDUcts FoR aDJUstMent,
weaR, anD DaMage. theReFoRe, YoU MUst ReaD anD UnDeRstanD all oF the instRUctions anD caUtions
sUPPlieD with YoUR YakiMa PRoDUct PRioR to installation oR Use. iF YoU Do not UnDeRstanD all oF the
instRUctions anD caUtions, oR iF YoU haVe no Mechanical eXPeRience anD aRe not thoRoUghlY FaMiliaR
with the installation PRoceDURes, YoU shoUlD haVe the PRoDUct installeD bY a PRoFessional installeR
sUch as a QUaliFieD gaRage oR aUto boDY shoP.
Part #1030172 Rev.G
1030172G - 1/9



Sommaire des Matières pour Yakima BasketCase

  • Page 1 DaMage. theReFoRe, YoU MUst ReaD anD UnDeRstanD all oF the instRUctions anD caUtions sUPPlieD with YoUR YakiMa PRoDUct PRioR to installation oR Use. iF YoU Do not UnDeRstanD all oF the instRUctions anD caUtions, oR iF YoU haVe no Mechanical eXPeRience anD aRe not thoRoUghlY FaMiliaR with the installation PRoceDURes, YoU shoUlD haVe the PRoDUct installeD bY a PRoFessional installeR sUch as a QUaliFieD gaRage oR aUto boDY shoP.
  • Page 2 MIGHTyMouNTs. FaCTorY BarS: YaKIMa SQUare BarS: roUnd BarS: MightyMounts purchased separately (refer to the YAKIMA Fit List for correct MightyMounts Loosen the tabs inside for your vehicle). attach 2 snaparounds the SnapArounds by onto each crossbar. bending them repeatedly,...
  • Page 3 7:00 am to 5:00 pm psT This product is covered by YAKIMA’s “Love It Till You Leave It” Limited Lifetime Warranty To obtain a copy of this warranty, go online to www.yakima.com or email us at yakwarranty@yakima.com or call (888) 925-4621...
  • Page 4 DU PanieR avErTIssEMENT IMPorTaNT: il est iMPéRatiF QUe les PoRte-bagages et les accessoiRes YakiMa soient coRRecteMent et soliDeMent FiXés aU VéhicUle. Un Montage Mal Réalisé PoURRait PRoVoQUeR Un acciDent D’aUtoMobile, QUi PoURRait entRaîneR Des blessURes gRaVes oU MêMe la MoRt, à VoUs oU à D’aUtRes PeRsonnes. VoUs êtes ResPonsable De l’installation DU PoRte-bagages et Des accessoiRes sUR VotRe VéhicUle, D’en...
  • Page 5 UnIverSal Universal MightyMount et consultez MightyMount le mode d'emploi du basketcase pour #03590 installer votre équipement correctement. SI leS BarreS SonT CarrÉeS oU d’orIGIne, Il FaUT MonTer le PanIer Par-deSSUS le PorTe-BaGaGeS.
  • Page 6 17 heures, heure du pacifique. Ce produit est couvert par la garantie limitée « Tant que durera notre histoire d’amour » YAKIMA Pour se procurer une copie de cette garantie, aller en ligne à www. yakima.com <http://www.yakima.com/> ou nous envoyer un courriel à...
  • Page 7 PRoDUctos, sU Desgaste Y Posibles DaÑos. PoR ello Debe leeR Y coMPRenDeR toDas las instRUcciones Y aDVeRtencias QUe Vienen con los PRoDUctos YakiMa antes De instalaRlos o UsaRlos. si no entienDe toDas las instRUcciones Y aDVeRtencias, o no tiene eXPeRiencia en MecÁnica o no estÁ FaMiliaRizaDo con los PRoceDiMientos De instalaciÓn, haga instalaR el PRoDUcto PoR Un PRoFesional en Un gaRage...
  • Page 8 MightyMounts MightyMount y remitirse a las indicaciones del #03590 basketcase (de la canasta). Para TraveSaÑoS de FÁBrICa o CUadradoS la CeSTa Se UBICa SoBre la ParrIlla. También puede convenir para algunos travesaños redondos, dependiendo de la separación entre travesaños.
  • Page 9 Este producto está cubierto por la garantía limitada a vida “mientras dure el romance” de YAKIMA Para obtener una copia de esta garantía, visítenos en www.yakima. com, envíenos un correo electrónico a yakwarranty@yakima.com o llámenos al (888) 925-4621.