Team Orion guarantees this product to be free from manufacturing and workmanship defects. The
warranty does not cover incorrect installation, components worn by use, or any other problem resulting
from incorrect use or handling of the product. No liability will be accepted for any damage resulting
from the use of this product. By the act of connecting and operating this product, the user accepts all
resulting liability.
Is considered incorrect use:
Failure to follow instructions.
Improper use of the product (abusive use, out of spec, etc.).
Failure to adapt settings for proper function (improper connections, wrong gearing, installation,
setup, etc.).
Overload, overheating (desoldering, melting, etc.).
Running in inadequate conditions (damage or rust from rain, humidity, etc.).
Improper maintenance (presence of dirt, etc.).
Disassembly, modification by the user (modifying original connectors, wires, components, etc.).
Mechanical damage due to external causes.