FRx TRAINER 861306
To install the internal manikin adapter
The Internal Manikin Adapter M5088A, sold separately, works with Laerdal
Little Anne CPR and Laerdal Resusci Anne CPR Manikins.
To install the Internal Manikin Adapter on a Laerdal Little Anne CPR or
Laerdal Resusci Anne CPR Manikin, follow the steps below:
1. Remove the skin from the manikin.
2. Peel off the liner from the adhesive backing of the Internal Manikin
3. Place the Internal Manikin Adapter sections in the appropriate
locations on the underside of the manikin's skin. See the Instructions
for Use provided with the Internal Manikin Adapter for detailed
placement illustrations.
Installing the Internal Manikin Adapter M5088A with the Laerdal Resusci Anne.
4. Replace the manikin skin.
5. Using the Trainer in a practice trial, check that the Internal Manikin
Adapter is located appropriately to teach proper pad placement.