2. | User Information
• Voltage below 1000 V: Cover the parts which are close to the system or which are energized e.g. with insulating cloth,
hoses or plastic coverings. Voltage higher than 1000 V: Cover the parts with insulating plates/protective panels spe-
cially developed for this purpose so that sufficient protection against contact to adjacent parts is ensured.
• Regard the following before re-energizing the high-voltage system:
– All tools and utilities are removed from the hybrid/electric vehicle.
– Remove the grounding and short circuit of the high-voltage system. Do not touch any of the cables now.
– Attach the protective paneling that has been removed before.
– Remove the protective measures at the switching system.
2.1.6. Safety Precautions for Testing/Measuring Devices
• Perform measurements only on electric circuits that are not directly connected to the line voltage.
• Never exceed the maximum permissible voltage load of 42 V peak alternating voltage (AC) or 60 V direct current volt-
age (DC) respectively.
• Do not exceed the voltage limits indicated on the connecting cables.
• The voltage values to be measured must be shielded extra or even twice from dangerous line voltage. The voltage
limits printed on the test leads must not be exceeded. Pay attention that the allowed measuring range of 60 V/DC / 42
V peak is not exceeded when measuring positive and negative voltage at the same time.
• Never perform measurements on ignition systems.
• Regularly check the test and measuring devices for damage.
• Always connect the test and measuring devices to the measurement module (MT-USB) first.
• Do not touch the connections/measurement points during the measurement.
Hella Gutmann
mega macs X