Installation for Original Woody tubs
Kirami wooden tubs have Ø75mm connection pipe pieces and
preinstalled holes with bolts and nuts to fix the connection plates
delivered with the tub.
1) Install the delivered plates and leave them loose, it makes
the insertion of the heater easier.
2) The heater is pushed into its place so that the tub pipes go
inside the hoses on the heater. And the heater remains in
horizontal position.
3) Tighten the hose clamps form both ends. And the tub
4) Use the supplier self-drilling screws to fix the heater to the
tub's plates. The screws are meant to drill through the
wooden panel, the tub plates and the heater plates. There
should be three screws on each side of the heater. Four top
ones make the actual fixing and the two lower ones fix the
panel so that it stays in nice vertical position. If a drink
Installation for Original Easy and Comfort Cozy tubs
The plastic Easy and Cozy hot tubs do not have connection plates.
So the heater is connected just with the hoses and clamps just like
Woody installation points 2) and 3). If you have purchased a Macu
drink holder or version of the hot tub with covering side plates
those can be attached with included screws to the heater plates.
With plastic hot tubs the heater must have some supports
underneath so that it will not hang from the hoses.
Installation further away from the tub
The standard heater should not be installed further away from the tub. If you are planning
installation further away from the tub you should purchase an extension tube set with intermediate pipes,
extra clamps and rubber hoses. When installing further away the heater must be a bit lower than the
tub so that the natural circulation of heated water works
Note that a heater that is installed lower will not empty properly which may cause a risk of freezing
in winter. In case the heater installed further away, the heater must have supports underneath.
holder / panels is not installed the
only two screws are used on both
The heater will be hanging on the wall of the tub by the hoses ad