Sand and paint the exhaust pipes.
For the tank nozzle and the exhaust pipes a
chrome paint can be used.
Stage 9, Painting the Florida and attaching
the fittings
The kit includes the name as masking film.
Fig. lettering
First paint the base colour of your model.
Then glue the lettering to the appropriate place
on the hull. First remove the unneeded film
from the foil around the letters (grate off).
Fig. lettering grated off
Make sure that the base colour is very well
Place a stiff adhesive tape over the masking
letters so that the lower or upper edge of the
letters are free and clearly visible for position-
ing, but the position of the letters relative to
each other remains fixed when the protective
film is removed.
Now remove the protective film and carefully
place the lettering on the fuselage.
Remove the adhesive tape and carefully press
the edges of the masking letters
Paint the second colour. Remove the foil of the
letters as soon as the paint is air-dry. The lac-
quer should not be completely dry and hard,
because then there is a risk that the edges will
break off.
Status April 2020
Fig. lettering
Now you can complete the compass with parts
7.12 to 7.14.
Fig. parts for compass
Now cut out the compass rose 7.13 and glue it
to the base 7.12. Insert the compass rose and
the compass glass 7.14 into the compass
housing. For gluing you can use RC Modellers
Canopy Glue, order no. No. 44126.
Fig. compass
Now the windscreen can also be fitted.
Mark the center and drill the first hole with 1
Seite 17
Krick Modelltechnik, Knittlingen, Germany