- Drills Ø 1 mm, 1.5 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm,
5 mm, 6 mm
- Wet sand paper 400 and 600 for pore filler,
primer and paint
- Wire cutter (order no. 455550)
For masking during painting, PVC adhesive
tape or paper tape is also required. In the Krick
assortment you will find the suitable tape, e.g.
order no. 493269. This tape is available in
different widths. Do not use crepe tape!
The construction of the model is made easier
by the numerous photos of the construction
Before starting construction, you should clearly
identify the parts on the laser plates using the
parts list, building instructions and illustrations.
During the building process, only the parts you
just need should be removed carefully and with
the help of a sharp craft knife.
The entry into ship model building is much
easier for you if you turn to an experienced
model builder. He can help you with questions
and problems and gives you the guarantee that
your own " Florida" will be a working and beau-
tiful model. If you do not have an experienced
model builder in your circle of friends and/or
associates, you should contact a ship model
building club in your area, or ask for their ad-
dress at the model building retailer where you
bought this kit. In each ship model building
club you will find active ship model builders,
who will certainly help you.
We wish you much pleasure with the now fol-
lowing construction of your model.
Important for the bonding of laser parts is the
grinding of the burn-off at the laser edges.
These burnt edges do not bond with adhesives
of any kind.
Technical data
Total Displacement
Not included, but required accessories
electric motor Max Power 600,
order no. 42124
Suppression kit, order no. 42128
speed control Quicrun WP 1060
Order-no. 67051
Status April 2020
720 mm
230 mm
ca. 1600 g
Seite 2
Or brushless drive
BL-motor Roxxy 3656/06,
order no. ro4786
Speed control Seaking 60 A,
order no. 67072
water cooling, order no. 42122
For both variants the following is additionally
LIPO battery 3s 11,1 Volt max.
min. 3000 mAh
2-channel radio control,
e. g. order no. roF2201
servo for rudder adjustment,
order no. 79054
Suitable remote control system
Generally, a 2-channel system like the
roF2201 is sufficient to control the rudder and
the drive motor.
General instructions for the construction
The numbering essentially corresponds to the
sequence of the construction process, with the
number in front of the point indicating the con-
struction stage, the number behind the point
indicating the corresponding component. Be-
fore starting construction, please obtain an
overview of the respective construction steps
in conjunction with the construction manual,
the instruction steps and the parts list.
Prime all wooden parts 1-2 times with pore
filler before installation. After each coat sand
with fine sandpaper. Before gluing, remove any
residue from laser cutting with sandpaper.
Krick Modelltechnik, Knittlingen, Germany