Automatic EcoPlus Greasing System
This vehicle is equipped with a Groeneveld Automatic EcoPlus Greasing Sys-
The EcoPlus Greasing System will automatically and thoroughly grease all
connected grease points at a set time interval (cycle) with the correct amount
of grease.
The system consists of
a grease pump with intergrated control unit
progressive divider blocks
a signal lamp (optional)
one or two block switch(es) (optional)
System performance
The system performs automatically. When the power is switched on, the pump
will at predefined intervals, supply predefined quantities of grease to all con-
nected points.
User interface
The EcoPlus uses a display, with three function keys to operate the user inter-
face, in which the status of the pump can be seen, parameters can be changed
and faults can be diagnosed.
Function keys
The three function keys can have different functions depending on the menu
screen, some possible commands are : up, down, select and save.